Japanese Vocabulary – Occupations (職業) – Review Notes
Today we learned how to say some occupations in Japanese! In these review notes, we will go over all the Japanese vocabulary that was in the video and we will see a list of additional Japanese vocabulary!
Number 1:
★ The Japanese word for occupation is 職業 (しょくぎょう – shokugyō).
Number 2:
★ 消防士 (しょうぼうし – shōbōshi) is the Japanese word for firefighter.
Number 3:
★ The Japanese word for doctor is 医者 (いしゃ – isha)
★ When addressing a doctor directly, you should use the word 先生 (sensei).
Number 4:
★ Nurse in Japanese is 看護師 (かんごし – kangoshi).
★ Sometimes, the English word ‘nurse’ is also used: ナース (nāsu).
Number 5:
★ The Japanese word for police officer is 警察官 (けいさつかん – keisatsukan)
★ The Japanese word for police is 警察 (けいさつ – keisatsu)
Number 6:
★ Teacher in Japanese is 教師 (きょうし – kyōshi).
★ 先生 (sensei) also means teacher, but 教師 (kyōshi) is more formal than 先生 (sensei).
★ However, when addressing a teacher directly, you should call them 先生 (sensei) and not 教師 (kyōshi).
★ 教授 (きょうじゅ – kyōju) means professor.
Number 7:
★ Businessman in Japanese is サラリーマン (sararīman), which comes from the English word salaryman.
★ サラリーマン (sararīman) is generally only used for men. The female version, businesswoman, is commonly called OL (ōeru) which stands for ‘office lady.’
Additional Occupations:
会計士 kaikeishi Accountant
コンサルタント konsarutanto Consultant
銀行員 ginkōin Bank Employee
自営業 jieigyō Self-employment
事務員 jimuin Business clerk
政治家 seijika Politician
投資家 tōshika Investor
研究者 kenkyūsha Researcher
弁護士 bengoshi Lawyer
エンジニア enjinia Engineer
農家 nōka Farmer
肉屋 nikuya Butcher
作家 sakka Author/Writer
漫画家 mangaka Manga Artist
歌手 kashu Singer
声優 seiyū Voice actor
俳優 haiyū Actor
女優 joyū Actress
スポーツ選手 supōtsu senshu Athlete
We learned a lot of occupations in Japanese today! What do you want to be when you grow up? Let us know in Japanese the comment section below!
Also, if you want to know the word for an occupation that we have not listed, feel free to ask!
Do you want to read Manga about Japanese occupations? Check these out! ↓
バスケットボール選手 (Basketball Player)
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